Executive Director Process Update
Email sent to all active players from JC Tretter on Thursday, May 25, 2023.

As the search for our next Executive Director enters the next stage, I wanted to summarize and remind you all how we’ve gotten here.
This process began over 15 months ago when our Executive Committee was tasked with fulfilling our Constitutional obligation to present 2-4 qualified Executive Director candidates to our Board of Player Representatives for selection as the next Executive Director. Since then, the Executive Committee has dedicated extensive amounts of their time to interview and retain an executive search firm, interview key stakeholders across the NFLPA community, develop a comprehensive position specification, evaluate prospect credentials, and interview and assess potential candidates.
We approached this process with the highest level of integrity and professionalism. We have led with a keen commitment to confidentiality, adhering to best practices in governance and CEO succession/search. Our goal has always been to bring forward the strongest talent available in the marketplace and lead a process that was both comprehensive and inclusive. I am proud of the work that the Executive Committee has done to date, and you should be, too.
From the start we were clear that if we wanted top tier candidates to engage with us, we need to professionalize our process to attract them. Our union and our players deserve a process that is on par with Fortune 100 companies, and is focused on evaluation of leadership competencies, skills, and experience.Given that our success will be judged not only by the final selection, but also by how well our process was organized and communicated, now is the time to share with our full membership all our efforts, timeline, and communication to date.
Fall 2021
- Board of Player Reps re-elected DeMaurice Smith as Executive Director for his final term.
Early Spring 2022
- At the Player Rep meeting, we held elections for the NFLPA’s President and the Executive Committee. It was communicated in advance that the 11 players elected would be charged with leading the search to identify qualified candidates for the next Executive Director. We also highlighted what the overall process would look like moving forward.
- Following the election, the new Executive Committee met for the first time to discuss the search process.
Mid Spring to Early Summer 2022
- From mid-spring to early summer, we interviewed executive search firms and selected Russell Reynolds Associates to be our search partner. We updated the Board on progress bi-weekly from mid-April to July.
- On our final Board call before the 2022 season began, we reviewed the work we had done to date and once again reviewed our proposed process moving forward.
- The process included a provision to protect the confidentiality of our candidates in the search process. We asked the board to allow us to keep the names of the candidates confidential until the day we introduce them to the Board at the election meeting.
- The Board of Reps then held a vote on the proposed process we outlined and it passed unanimously.
Summer 2022
- During the summer months, Russell Reynolds conducted due diligence meetings with key stakeholders across the NFLPA community, including at least one representative from each team, the Executive Committee, staff members, former players, former presidents and EC members, and other individuals integral to our success. The information gathered from these meetings was instrumental in shaping the position specification that articulates the attributes desired in our next Executive Director.
Early Fall 2022
- Prior to the beginning of the NFL season, we convened the Board to share an update on our progress.
- The Executive Committee also provided an update for the Player Directors to share with all of membership during your annual NFLPA meetings at your facilities.
- As a reminder, the update we shared summarized all of the points listed above.
Late Fall 2022
- Once the position specification was finalized in the late fall, we shared it with the Board. We also initiated a 6-week application window so that any individual could apply and be considered for the opportunity.
Early Winter to Late Winter 2023
- During the winter, we convened a meeting of the Board on three occasions to share progress updates. During our final meeting, we alerted the Board that we would not be ready to select our next Executive Director at our annual March Rep meeting.
Early Spring 2023
- At the Player Rep meeting, we provided an update on our search during two separate executive sessions. In a subsequent Board call, we alerted the Board to tentatively hold dates at the end of June in the event the Executive Committee was ready to present candidates to them before the season began.
Late Spring 2023
- Two weeks ago, we alerted the Board that the Executive Committee will be presenting finalist candidates to them during a meeting in the end of June.
As you can see, our process was not only exhaustive, but it was led and driven by player leadership. Our goal was to fulfill our constitutional commitment to find the best possible candidates to present to the Board for final evaluation, and ultimately, a vote. We believe strongly, not only in the process we have run so far, but also in the quality of the candidates who will be presented. We know that our job as player leaders is to leave this union better off than when we found it and we are confident that whoever the Board selects will be ready to lead our union into the future.
We thank you for your commitment to and support of your union and Executive Committee over the past several months, and we look forward to taking this next step in the coming weeks.If you have any questions, please reach out by simply replying to this email.
Thank you,
JC Tretter