Resources for Widows and Caregivers
We care about supporting you and we have resources and opportunities to help you stay connected. Please reach out if you need assistance. We're here for you.

Crisis Help & Counseling
If you are in a mental health crisis, dial 988. Find out more info at 988lifeline.org.
Do you have Cigna and need help resolving day-to-day issues impacting health?
Receive up to 8 face-to-face or virtual confidential counseling sessions, per issue, per year, at no cost. This benefit is available to you and other members of your household through Cigna's Work/Life Resource Benefit. Unlimited telephonic consultations are available 24/7.
Contact a CIGNA Advocate at (866) 421-8628.

The Professional Athletes Foundation (PAF) was founded by the NFLPA in 1990 to support, strengthen and inspire players as they navigate the many obstacles of life. The PAF can assist you with group counseling through our partner Kindbridge, as well as with coordinating grief counseling, individual, and family counseling. Contact Andre Collins (202.255.8417) or Tyrone Allen (202.756.9166) for assistance.

Connecting with Others
Widows are always welcome at any NFLPA former player event, both locally and nationally. Find events here.

There is an NFLPA Former Players Spouse App available for you to continue building a strong, supportive network within the NFL community. Download the app for your iPhone or Google phone.
The Hope For Widows Foundation supports you through the grieving process and beyond by providing life transition resources and immediate connections. They facilitate the healing process which allows for rebuilding to start from our community's embrace by uplifting and encouraging widows to re-engage in life. hopeforwidows.org

Applying for Financial Assistance
The PAF may be able to assist you with financial needs. Within one year of a player's passing, reach out to the PAF for:
- Financial assistance related to memorial service and burial
- Funding related to household needs i.e. rent, mortgage, education expenses for children, etc.
Reach out to the PAF at 800-372-2000.

Benefits You May Be Eligible For
For widow's and survivor's benefits information and applications, contact Bethany at Bethany.Marshall@nflpa.com or (202) 756-9154.
If a vested former player is diagnosed with ALS, Parkinson's or Dementia, contact Bethany at Bethany.Marshall@nflpa.com or (202) 756-9154 for help with the 88 Plan, which pays for inpatient or outpatient care.

Find out which Social Security benefits you are eligible to receive as a widow to ensure your financial security after the loss of a loved one at ssa.gov.
Find quality information, support, and resources related to family caregiving at CareNav. This free online dashboard at caregiver.org is loaded with personalized information that matches your unique caregiving needs.

The Caregiver Action Network (CAN) is a non-profit organization providing education, peer support, and resources to family caregivers across the country free of charge.

If we can assist you, please reach out to us. You are not alone.
If you would like access to information about events, discounts, and an exclusive side of the Former Player App, please email formerplayers@nflpa.com.