Indianapolis Colts Report Card 2023
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The Indianapolis Colts were ranked 16th in the team guide. In general, the players feel well-supported by their team’s owner, Jim Irsay, as 97% of player respondents believe he is willing to spend the money necessary to upgrade the facility.
The two main issues that players have are the food – so much that some players prefer to pack their own lunch rather than eat at the facility – and the feeling that the team should significantly improve its travel policies for players.
They are one of seven teams that do not offer first-class seats to their players (reserving them for coaches and staff instead), and one of six teams that force many players to have roommates.
Breakdown of Key Categories

Treatment of Families
Support of Players' Families: Ranked 2nd
- They offer a family room
- One of 11 teams that do not offer daycare on gameday
Post-Game Gathering Area: Ranked 12th
Food Service / Nutrition
Quality of food: Ranked 21st
- Some players bring their own food from home
- All three meals provided
70% of players say there is enough room in the cafeteria.
Weight Room
Players would like to have more space and more modern equipment/technology.
- 90% feel they have enough strength coaches
Strength Coaches
- When asked about “Strength Coaches adding to their success” they ranked 17th in the NFL. 17th sounds average but that is because most teams rated their strength coaches positively. The Colts players gave overall high marks to the strength staff which is why the overall grade is still high.
- 89% of players believe they receive an individual plan (Ranked 24th)
Training Room
Players report that the training room itself is on the small side.
- 92% feel they have enough ATCs
- 87% feel they have enough PTs
Steam Room/Sauna
- There is a steam room (67% feel it is big enough)
- One of 6 teams that do not provide a sauna
- 98% of players feel they have enough hot tub space
- 98% of players feel they have enough cold tub space
Training Staff
The players spoke very highly of their training staff. They believe they go above and beyond for the locker room and they significantly add to their individual success.
Locker Room
Overall, it is viewed as a good locker room. There were several complaints that the lockers could be upgraded.
- 95% of players feel like they have enough space
Team Travel
- 79% of players feel like they have enough room to spread out
- One of 6 teams that make younger players have roommates
- One of 7 teams that do not offer players first-class seats