Learn more about how to meet your nutritional needs with resources to help you stay healthy on and off the field. Click a topic below to learn more.

Cigna Nutrition Benefits

The NFL Player Insurance Plan covers three total visits per calendar year to receive nutritional evaluation and/or nutritional counseling sessions (subject to underlying plan copay/coinsurance). If there is underlying diagnosis for certain conditions such as diabetes, no visit maximum would apply.

As with any provider, it’s easiest if you locate someone who is in-network and familiar with how to submit claims. Access an RD in your area by logging on to mycigna.com.

Wellness Benefit

  • Registered Dietician Discounts - Save up to 25% on dietician or nutritionist services through the Choose Healthy program. Register here.
  • Cigna Healthy Rewards is pleased to offer you access to discounted home delivered meals through Mom's Meals®


Sleep is an essential pillar to a well balanced life and your diet influences the quality of sleep. The lack of quality sleep affects the hormones that regulate your appetite. Learn more here:


Staying hydrated is key to optimal body function. Be intentional about consuming things that replenish your system. Read more here!